Arvo, the enigmatic one-man project that has captivated fans of black, doom, and dark metal, announces the release of its latest EP, "Raven." This new offering promises to take listeners on a profound journey through despair and melancholy, revealing the hidden and frightening corners of the human psyche.
About Arvo:
Arvo, the brainchild of Voron, began venturing into the dark realm of music in 2011, mastering the guitar as his primary instrument. With a solid background in various metal bands, Voron launched Arvo as a solo project in 2020 to fully realize his unique musical vision. Beyond music, Voron is a multifaceted artist dedicated to the visual arts, perfecting his skills in photography, artwork, and tattooing. This holistic approach to creativity ensures that Arvo's releases are not just auditory experiences but complete artistic journeys.
"Raven" EP:
The "Raven" EP marks a significant evolution in Arvo's sound, combining the raw intensity of classic black metal with the brooding atmospheres of doom and dark metal. Each track is meticulously crafted to evoke deep emotions and transport listeners to dark, immersive worlds.