The band has a different rock, full of melodic tastes and deep lyrics
With the release of their first EP “FINALLY”, Black London is ready to make you enjoy a different rock, full of melodic tastes and deep lyrics. A tense and thin line between good and evil, between the rigth and the wrong, the love and hate...this is "Geometry Of Hope". Their new Single is available on all streaming plataforms.
“Most of our songs are born with a basic idea and an acoustic guitar, then they grow up and take shape working with the whole band. All the songs on the EP are a mixture of feelings and different shapes of sound, going from soft and relaxed verses to powerful choruses with touches of electronics of all kinds
We have taken advantage of these long months of pandemic to focus on brushing and shaping the first studio recording by adding different sound forms, daring to mix different musical roots and exploring with rhythms and tempos typical of other styles. The wait has surely been positive." - says the band.
Geometry Of Hope: