«Asíntota» is a term originating from a Greek word that refers to something that has no coincidence. The concept is used in the field of geometry to name a line that, as it continues indefinitely, tends to approach a certain curve or function, although without reaching it. And how does an "asymptote" manifest itself in relationships between people? This new song by Dôn shows it in a graphic way.
A harsh lyric by Ana Blanco with a background of verbal and psychological violence wrapped in a powerful rock with its classic elements: piano, guitar and bass riff, hammond choirs, shuffle drums, some synth and rocker woman singing. As a climax, an epic seventies-inspired guitar solo.
Like the song "Ya no me dejo caer" that was released as the first single in October 2022, with its video clip available on YouTube, this single is part of the set of songs that will make up the band's first full-length, which will be called «Crepuscular», currently in the mixing phase.